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the blog

My good friends Fredrika and Geoff tied the knot at one of their favourite locations in November of 2020. Villa Eyrie holds a special place in their hearts. The unmatched hospitality and the gorgeous view had them sold! Their Villa Eyrie Elopement was perfect! They wanted something small and private so included their family though […]


June 2, 2021

Villa Eyrie Elopement

Villa Eyrie Elopement

YEARS ago through dance classes, I met Julia. And in 2017 I had the pleasure of being introduced to Dan. It’s been a pleasure to watch them grow together and see the strength in their relationship during this victoria engagement photo shoot. I seriously couldn’t pick a few favourites so I hope that you enjoy […]


April 21, 2021

Victoria Engagement Photo Shoot

Victoria Engagement Photo Shoot

We get it, planning a COVID wedding when you have no clue what’s around the corner is scary. Remember, this is a new scenario for everyone. Lines of communication are always open to chat about any of your concerns, covid related or not. Loads of brides are concerned about a COVID wedding. Some vendors aren’t […]


October 29, 2020

COVID Wedding – What we’re doing.

Visual to determine if you should book your vendors - covid wedding planning resources

Kyle and Kristina’s intimate rainbow wedding.


July 10, 2020

Rainbow Wedding in Victoria BC

Cassy and Griffin’s intimate wedding in Victoria. Cassy and Griffin had planned to get married on the beach in September with all of their friends and family. However, with COVID-19, their plans had to change. To reduce their families ferry travel, they got married the same weekend as Griffin’s sister. Subsequently, their planning window dwindle […]


June 23, 2020

Intimate COVID-19 Wedding in Victoria

intimate covid wedding in victoria bc - couple snuggled under veil

Golden Elopement Taken at The Forward Workshop   Who else LOVES moody mountain vibes?? These photos were taken at The Forward Workshop in Beautiful Golden, BC and Published in Today’s Bride Magazine. With the misty mountains and the dusting of snowflakes, what’s not to love? In planning this shoot, it was important to me that […]


April 2, 2020

Golden Elopement

Eloping couple kissing in the mountains in Golden BC

Why the heck-eroni should you care about getting your details photographed? And how do you achieve it?


April 2, 2020

Wedding Details

A few inspiration photos for your Banff Elopement.


March 3, 2020

Lake Minnewanka Elopement

Elopement - couple kissing in front of mountains

Megan Maundrell’s “Privacy Please” styled elopement as seen in Todays bride magazine and blog.


November 14, 2019

Moroccan Inspired Beach Elopement

couple eloping on the beach under a teepee during sunset - Victoria BC

Megan shares a Canadian/Persian wedding for you to draw inspiration from. This wedding took place in Downtown Victoria on the inner harbour.


September 18, 2019

Coast Victoria Hotel Wedding

Couple in the water, trash the dress session after their wedding.

Megan gives you all of her tips and tricks when it comes to finding the perfect wedding photographer and avoiding the photographer horror stories.


September 11, 2019

Choosing your Wedding Photographer

How to choose your photographer

Megan of Megan Maundrell Photography describes the elements of the Celtic Inspired Elopement, Victoria, BC, going through each element and ending with tips and tricks to help educate any beginning photographer on how to conduct a styled shoot under similar circumstances.


June 17, 2019

Celtic Inspired Elopement

Victoria Wedding Photographer

Victoria BC, Canada - Available World Wide
Tel: 250-886-1209

©2025 Megan Maundrell Photography Inc.| Wedding Photographer Victoria BC | Victoria BC Wedding Photographer | Professional Photographer Victoria BC

Wedding Photographers in Victoria BC, Southern & Central Vancouver Island, Tofino BC, Vancouver BC and destination weddings & elopements World Wide.